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Developmental Education

Military Developmental Education

Developmental Education (DE) course completion is normally updated automatically in an Airman's personnel record within 7 duty days. Airmen should verify course completion by reviewing their vMPF Career Data Brief (CDB) prior to requesting a course completion update.


NOTE: Only three levels of enlisted military education may be displayed on an Assignment Management System (AMS) Single Unit Retrieval Format (SURF), therefore the member's CDB should be used to verify EPME course completion. If course completion isn't reflected in your personnel records, please take one of the following actions:



Officers must contact HQ AU/CFRO at DSN 493-4776, commercial 334-953-4776, or fax a written request to DSN 493-8127. In your message/fax, please include first and last Name, SSN, e-mail Address, phone number, course ID and completion date. HQ AU/CFRO will contact you as soon as possible.



Senior Enlisted Joint Professional Military Education (SEJPME) Updates: Base-level Formal Training Office (FTO) will update SEJPME course completions. Airmen must take the completion certificate to the FTO. FTO have the ability to update SEJPME course completion in Military Personnel Data System.


NOTE: Requests to update SEJPME or other DE course completions submitted using the "Request SNCO/NCO Distance Learning Course Update" will be returned without action.


SNCO/NCO Distance Learning Course Updates: Use the Request SNCO/NCO Distance Learning Course Update (found via myPers) to attach a copy of your Professional Military Education (PME) certificate. This action will generate an incident for the myPers-Total Force Service Center to update your personnel records.


Resident EPME Updates: Contact your local FTO for assistance. If necessary, the FTO will elevate to the appropriate office for update.

Force Development
Enlisted PME


Career Skills Program
Civilian Developmental Education