Sept. 21, 2022 Enlisted Assignment Working Group ‘Wins’ Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force JoAnne S. Bass recently prompted the inception of the Enlisted Assignment Working Group with the intent for an overdue holistic review of the Department of the Air Force’s enlisted assignment program.
July 1, 2019 Air Force officials announce training instructor tour length changes The Air Force will change the tour length for Military Training Instructors from 42 to 36 months and Military Training Leaders, AETC Technical Training Instructors and Professional Military Education instructors from 48 to 36 months. Every Airman will have an option to extend for an additional year.
June 27, 2017 AETC announces changes to developmental special duty assignments Air Force officials are making three substantial changes to the Developmental Special Duty process that will significantly improve the Air Force’s ability to fill these important positions by adding more flexibility to the process and increasing opportunities for noncommissioned officers. The