
The goal of the Personal and Work Life Program, PW&L, is to increase the effectiveness of everyday living skills, learn to cope with life events and realize one’s personal potential resulting in increased quality of life and resilience for military members and their families.


The Military and Family Readiness Center, or M&FRC, is the focal point to assist all service members and their families, to include Department of Defense civilians, in easing their adaptation to the military lifestyle and enrichment of their personal and work life. 

The M&FRC assists with crisis intervention and customized action planning by conducting assessments, offering skills development and providing referrals to agencies both on and off the installation. P&WL activities are educational in nature and offered in group or individual settings. Topics range from interpersonal communication skills, adoption, relationship building, maintaining long-distance relationships (during deployment and other separations), marriage preparation, positive parenting, eldercare, time management and team building.

Several offerings aim to facilitate and connect customers to information and agencies they will encounter throughout their military experience. These include the Key Spouse Program and Heart Link (see sidebars).

Military Onesource Resources

Airmen and families have support available 24/7. Military OneSource counselors are available at no cost and offer short-term, confidential, non-medical counseling services for a wide range of issues from marital conflicts, anger management, stress management and coping with separation, loss and deployments. Military OneSource sessions can take place in person, over the phone, or via secure video or online chat.  This is the perfect resource for those who reside more than 50 miles from an Air Force installation, or need counseling services after hours. Click the link below to visit the non-medical counseling page.

Military One Source Logo

Employee Assistance Program for Civilians

Welcome to the Air Force’s Employee Assistance Program for Air Force civilian personnel, also known as "EAP." You’ve come to the right place to find free, confidential services to help you and your household members manage everyday challenges and work on more complex issues.

We offer coaching to help you grow and achieve your goals and counseling, for when life gets difficult. We provide management support to help your staff thrive and self-care programs to improve your emotional health.

All Air Force civilian personnel—including non-appropriated funds, or NAF, employees; Guard and Reserve; and family members may use the program at no charge to the individual or family member. 

The EAP provides the same services and access to care provided in the past with continued access 24/7 via telephone, website or in-person. Call 866-580-9078 or click the button below to be taken to the new EAP portal where you can:

  • Explore the variety of services available
  • Find a provider to meet your unique needs
  • Search the Learning Center for relevant health information and tools

CIVILIAN EAP (CONUS) Use Code "US Air Force"



Military and Family Life Counselors

Military and Family Life Counselors (M&FLC) provide non-medical counseling; addressing life skills topics such as anger management, conflict resolution, parenting, parent and child communication, relationship issues, and marriage enrichment, as well as challenges with the military lifestyle, including deployment stress, reintegration, relocation adjustment, separation and loss.

This support is aimed at preventing the development or exacerbation of mental health conditions that may detract from military and family readiness. With the exception of mandatory state, federal and military reporting requirements (domestic violence, child abuse and duty to warn situations), counseling is private and confidential.

Each A&FRC has at least one adult M&FLC located in the A&FRC to help with all your confidential counseling needs. Child and youth behavioral M&FLCs are available for children under the age of 18 and are located within the Child Development, School Age and Teen Centers. 

Heart Link Program

The Heart Link Program, funded by the Air Force Aid Society, is an adaptation and networking forum for Air Force spouses of less than five years. It's designed to strengthen military families and enhance mission readiness by orienting new Air Force spouses to active duty military life. While other services’ spouses are welcome, Heart Link is aimed at increasing awareness of the Air Force mission, customs and traditions, protocol and available resources, and information about accessing helping agencies.

Visit your Military & Family Readiness Center to learn more about how this program works at your base.

The appearance of external links on this site does not constitute official endorsement on behalf of the U.S. Air Force or Department of Defense.