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Over 1,200 civilians selected for various leadership programs, assignments

  • Published
  • By Toni Whaley
  • Air Force’s Personnel Center Public Affairs

More than 180 Department of the Air Force civilians were selected for developmental opportunities and leadership assignments by the Academic Year 2022 Civilian Developmental Education (CDE) and Civilian Strategic Leader Program (CSLP) Board. 

The CDE/CSLP board, which consisted of 13 members of the Senior Executive Service and two general officers, convened here July 20-22.

“We went through hundreds of records and were impressed by the quality of the submissions,” said Kimberly Toney, the Air Force’s Personnel Center Executive Director. “We recruit and retain some of the best civilian talent in our nation, and our CDE and CSLP opportunities help equip them with the skills, training, and experience needed to meet a future high-end fight.”

After considering 325 DAF civilian applicants, the CDE Board designated 136 primaries and 74 alternates to attend senior and intermediate developmental education opportunities.

The CSLP Board reviewed 47 applications and selected 36 civilians as “primary” selects for assignment consideration at Headquarters Air Force, Headquarters Space Force, Joint Staff, combatant commands, major commands, and various installations.

Additionally, more than one thousand civilian Airmen and Guardians were selected by their respective functional Development Teams (DT) as primary or alternate participants for various leadership programs.

Of special note, AY22 selects for Defense Senior Leader Development Program (DSLDP) will begin participation in AY23.  DSLDP selections are made one year in advance to accommodate the Department of Defense board timeline.

DoD also makes final selections for the Defense Civilian Emerging Leader Program (DCELP).  The CDE office plans to release the list of DCELP selects by the end of October 2021.

“These programs are central to the continuum of learning that spans a civilian’s professional career and challenges senior civilians with leadership assignments that have DAF and DoD-wide impact,” Toney said. “By deliberately growing our talent from within, we put the right person in the right development at the right time.”

Those selected will receive direct communication from the CDE/CSLP office on reporting dates and other instructions.

To view the complete list of CDE/CSLP selections on myPers, go here.


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