This medal was authorized by Congress on 3 October, 2022, pursuant to Executive Order 8809 as amended by Executive Order 14085, Expanding Eligibility for Certain Military Decorations and Awards. The medal was not created until 30 August, 2023 when the Secretary of the Air Force established it, however is retroactive to 20 December, 2019 when the United States Space Force was established.
It is awarded to Space Force personnel whom have demonstrated the United States Space Force core values of Character, Connection, Commitment, and Courage for exemplary conduct during a three-year period of active military service, (or for a one-year period of service upon termination of service on or after 20 December, 2019, by reason of physical disability incurred in line of duty or anytime the U.S. is at war declared by Congress provide the entire year was served in the area of eligibility during the period indicated). Officer candidate (officer training school students) status is creditable toward award, however service as a cadet in Air force Academy or Reserve Officers training Corps is not creditable. Service performed in a sister-service (US Army, US Navy, US Marine Corp, US Air Force and US Coast Guard) is not creditable for award of the Space Force Good Conduct Medal.
The Globe represents the terrestrial home of the U.S. Space Force and its support to the joint warfighters. The Delta Wing evokes historic ties to the earliest days of the U.S. Air Force space community and symbolizes change and innovation. It also represents all variations of space vehicles that support our National Defense and National Security Space Strategies. The Elliptical Orbit signifies defense and protection from all adversaries and threats emanating from the space domain. It also represents ongoing interagency cooperation and allied partnerships. The Polaris symbolizes the guiding light of security and alludes to a constant presence and vigilance in space now and in the future. The wording on the reverse—EFFICIENCY, HONOR, FIDELITY—reflect the noble character of Space Force Guardians in the performance of their duties. Obverse: A Bronze medal, 1-¼ inches in diameter, consisting of a grid-lined globe surmounted by a delta, both encircled by an orbit ring, all beneath a Northern star in the upper left portion and above the Roman numeral “MMXIX” arching below. Arching above is the inscription “UNITED STATES SPACE FORCE” and below “SEMPER SUPRA” in raised letters. Reverse: On the reverse the words “EFFICIENCY, HONOR” arching above and “FIDELTY” below upon a bordered designation band in raised letters. On the upper portion of the engraving disc the stacked inscription, “FOR GOOD CONDUCT” in raised letters.
The overall ribbon is Silver with the following centered upon: bold Black and Cobalt Blue stripes, between two narrow Bluebird stripes a single Forget-Me-Not stripe of the same size, and finally two bold Cobalt Blue and Black stripes. The Silver and Black combined to represent the vastness of the space domain. Blue symbolizes the U.S. Air Force space community and the early beginnings of the United States Space Force. A single Forget-Me-Not stripe between two Bluebird stripes symbolizes the knowledge gained and ability achieved by Space Force Guardians.