The Secretary of Defense announced the creation of the Inherent Resolve Campaign Medal. The IRCM provides distinct recognition to those service members who are serving, or have served, in Iraq, Syria, or contiguous waters or airspace on or after June 15, 2014, to a future date to be determined by the Secretary of Defense. Award of the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal previously authorized to recognize service in Iraq and Syria for Operation Inherent Resolve is hereby terminated.
The IRCM shall be awarded to each Service member who, on or after 15 June 2014, was permanently assigned, attached, or detailed for 30 consecutive or non-consecutive days to a unit operating in the area of eligibility, or who meets one of the following criteria regardless of time spent in the AOE:
-Was engaged in combat during an armed engagement
-While participating in an operation or on official duties was killed or wounded/injured and medically evacuated from the AOE
The AOE encompasses the land area of the countries of Iraq and Syria, the contiguous waters of each extending out to 12 nautical miles, and the air space above the land area and contiguous waters. Aircrew members accrue one day of eligibility for each day they fly into, out of, within, or over the AOE. The IRCM is not authorized for foreign military personnel.
- Operation INHERENT Resolve June 15, 2014 - November 23, 2015
- Abeyance June 15, 2014 - November 24, 2015
- Intensification November 25, 2015 - April 14, 2017
- Defeat April 15, 2017 - July 1, 2020
- Normalize, July 2, 2020 - TBD
The decorated star panels are common in the Arabian and Moorish styles of ornament. A scorpion is a symbol for treachery and destructive forces. The eagle is a national emblem and ancient symbol of power and victory. The color combination in the ribbon was inspired by The Ishtar Gate and the color of sand.
A separate bronze campaign star is worn on the IRCM suspension and campaign ribbon to recognize each designated campaign phase in which the member participated for one or more days. A silver campaign star is worn in lieu of five bronze campaign stars.
A separate bronze campaign star is worn on the IRCM suspension and campaign ribbon to recognize each designated campaign phase in which the member participated for one or more days. A silver campaign star is worn in lieu of five bronze campaign stars.
(NOTE: Currently, the IRCM does not reflect appropriately on individual’s vMPF Awards and Decorations Information screen)