AFPC guidance key to completing new evaluation forms

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Air Force Personnel Center officials shed light on issues with the new electronic evaluation form and encourage supervisors to pay close attention to the step-by-step instructions found on AFPC's "Ask" Web site.

Recent feedback revealed problems with blank lines appearing on paper copies that are not visible on digital versions.

"This is not an issue limited to evaluations but is consistent with all IMT forms," said Tech. Sgt. Jason Malec, noncommissioned officer in charge of Air Force evaluations at AFPC. "To prevent this, all spaces at the end of each row of text must be eliminated until the following line moves up, then enter a hard return. This will ensure all the spaces in the form's text buffer are removed."

The Air Force began using the new format in August and has noted more than 20 percent of forms submitted were returned to supervisors for correction.

"Most raters filling out the forms are not having problems, but with any new process, growing pains are expected and the new evaluation forms are no exception," said Sergeant Malec.

Two Military Personnel Flight Memorandums, 07-44 and 07-45, provide step-by-step instructions and are available on the Ask site.

Other common issues include unsigned forms, blank boxes and wrong file names. These errors are easy to correct if caught before they become a matter of record. If left uncorrected and become a matter of record, the member must submit an evaluation appeal package to correct the form.

AFPC has contacted every base personnel office to increase awareness of the issues and provide support. Additionally, AFPC's Field Account Representative cell sent a toolbox note to base personnel offices to educate supervisors using the evaluation forms.

Individuals may also check with their commander support staff personnel or military personnel element for assistance.