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AF chooses eight officers for DARPA Fellows program

  • Published
  • By Kat Bailey
  • Air Force Personnel Center Public Affairs
The Air Force has selected eight active-duty officers for participation in the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Service Chiefs’ Fellows Program.

This three-month fellowship provides participants with insight into cutting-edge technology while potentially facilitating the development of future DARPA technologies. DARPA’s mission as the central research and development agency for the Department of Defense is to make pivotal investments in breakthrough technologies for national security and to prevent strategic surprise.


The DARPA SCFP was established to expose military officers and government civilians to a unique organization whose mission is to rapidly develop imaginative, innovative and often high-risk research ideas. 


“The Service Chiefs’ Fellows Program assists DARPA in understanding service needs based on input from the participants into DARPA’s technology development efforts,” said Tech. Sgt. Rebecca Fobbs, noncommissioned officer in charge of Officer Developmental Education.


Fellows from each branch of service have the opportunity to dive deeply into specific technology development in areas of interest to them and to their respective service, as well as a chance to understand the breadth of DARPA research.


“This introduction to the DARPA innovation process allows Fellows to gain valuable research experience and return to the field with an appreciation for the agency’s role of supporting DoD missions,” Fobbs said.


The 2018 participants, listed alphabetically by last name, are Maj. Matthew Cisar, Pacific Air Forces; Maj. Nicholas Disney, Air Mobility Command; Maj. Colin Hanson, Air Force Materiel Command; Maj. Nathan Jordan, Air Combat Command; Maj. Hope Klukovich, U.S. Air Force Academy; Maj. Joshua Stinson, U.S. Special Operations Command; Maj. Richard Turner, AFMC; and Maj. Christopher Uhland, Headquarters Air Force.


According to Fobbs, upon completion of their assignment to the SCFP, Fellows serve as informal liaisons between DARPA and the services based on the close relationships developed during the program and an enhanced understanding of DARPA’s technology development process.


For more than fifty years, DARPA has held to a singular and enduring mission: to make pivotal investments in breakthrough technologies for national security. The genesis of that mission and of DARPA itself dates to the launch of Sputnik in 1957, and a commitment by the United States that, from that time forward, it would be the initiator and not the victim of strategic technological surprises. 


Find additional information about the Fellows program on myPers from the Developmental Education and Special Programs link off the officer Force Development landing page. Alternatively, select “Active Duty Officer” from the dropdown menu and search “DARPA.”


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