JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas -- Air Force officials are seeking nominations for the 70th annual Arthur S. Flemming award.
This award honors outstanding federal employees who have made significant and extraordinary contributions to the federal government in one of the following categories:
- Leadership or Management
- Legal Achievement
- Social Science, Clinical Trials and Translational Research
- Applied Science and Engineering
- Basic Science
The purpose of the award is to recognize outstanding achievements while working for the federal government, encourage the highest standards of performance in the federal service, enhance the appreciation of our form of government and the opportunities and responsibilities it presents and to attract outstanding individuals to a career in federal service.
The Air Force may submit two military or civilian employees per category, for a maximum of 10 nominations.
Organizations and base-level personnel must contact their major command, combatant command, field operating agency or direct reporting unit for applicable suspense dates and additional information. Nomination packages are due to the Air Force’s Personnel Center by Nov. 16.