JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas -- The Air Force selected 456 Airmen today for promotion via the enlisted in-system supplemental promotion process and the CY18B senior noncommissioned officer supplemental board. There were 289 Airmen in the 18E5 cycle, 93 Airmen in the 18E6 cycle, 72 Airmen for 18E7 and two for 18E8.
The in-system supplemental is processed monthly in the Weighted Airman Promotion System to allow eligible staff sergeants through senior master sergeants to compete monthly for promotion consideration if weighable data changes in their promotion file.
In-system supplemental consideration also applies to Airmen who test after initial promotion selections have been made, deployed Airmen, or anyone who was unable to test during their normal testing window. The SNCO supplemental board is for those members promotion-eligible to E-7, E-8 and E-9.
Prior to releasing the list, the Air Force’s Personnel Center provided senior raters and their trusted agents access to their respective selects through the Enlisted Promotion Release application, or EPROM, 48-hours in advance of the public release notification.
The list is available by clicking the “Supplemental Promotion Selects” button on the right side of the Enlisted Promotions page of the AFPC public website.