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Sucide Prevention: Suicide Myth No. 2

  • Published
  • Kirtland Public Affairs

Suicide Myth No. 2:  Most suicides happen suddenly without warning.

Truth:  80 percent of suicides have been preceded by warning signs, whether verbal or behavioral. These signals often include making a joke or threat about suicide, making a reference to being dead, or giving away treasured possessions. Of course there are some suicides that occur without warning. But it is important to understand what the warning signs are and look out for them.

The Military Crisis line, toll-free number is (800) 273-TALK (273-8255), which is available 24/7, can be used anywhere in the United States and connects callers to a certified crisis center near where the call is placed. Local Helping Agencies:

Mental Health Clinic 505 846-3305

Chaplain 505 846-5691 / 505 846-3777

Military One Source 1-800-342-9647

Military & Family Life Counselor (MFLC) 505 280-0664
#BeThere - Your action could save a life.



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