Jan. 12, 2022 Air Force unveils action plan to ‘Develop tomorrow’s enlisted Airmen’ Air Force officials announced the implementation of the Enlisted Force Development Action Plan.
Sept. 17, 2021 DAF Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: The HEAT is on The Hispanic Empowerment and Advancement Team, a specialized Department of the Air Force Barrier Analysis Working Group, was chartered to review and analyze guidelines, programs, data and other information for barriers to employment, advancement, and retention of Hispanic employees and applicants,
May 26, 2021 Air Force releases updated fitness test score breakdown Without the waist measurement as a scored component, push-ups and sit-ups will increase from 10 to 20 points each, while the 1.5-mile run will remain at 60 points. Scoring will fall into five-year age groups, as opposed to the previous 10.