Nov. 21, 2024 Department of the Air Force releases chief master sergeant and senior master sergeant promotion cycle statistics Space Force officials have selected 14 senior master sergeants and 25 master sergeants for promotion in the 24S9 and 25S8 promotion cycles, respectively.
Nov. 18, 2024 Space Force selects 39 in the chief master sergeant and senior master sergeant cycles; lists post Nov. 21 Space Force officials selected 14 senior master sergeants for promotion to chief master sergeant out of 68 eligible for a selection rate of 20.59 percent in the 24S9 promotion cycle and 25 master sergeants for promotion to senior master sergeant out of 435 eligible for a selection rate of 5.75
June 27, 2024 Space Force releases master sergeant, technical sergeant and sergeant promotion cycle statistics Department of the Air Force officials have selected 108 technical sergeants for promotion to master sergeant, 366 sergeants for promotion to technical sergeant and 463 Space Force specialist 4s for promotion to sergeant in the 24S7, 24S6 and 24S5 promotion cycles.
June 24, 2024 Space Force selects 937 Guardians for promotion in the master sergeant, technical sergeant and sergeant cycles; lists post June 27 Department of the Air Force officials have selected 108 technical sergeants for promotion to master sergeant, 366 sergeants for promotion to technical sergeant and 463 Space Force specialist 4s for promotion to sergeant in the 24S7, 24S6 and 24S5 promotion cycles.
June 29, 2023 Space Force releases master sergeant, technical sergeant and sergeant promotion cycle statistics Department of the Air Force officials have selected 134 technical sergeants for promotion to master sergeant, 164 sergeants for promotion to technical sergeant and 253 Space Force specialist 4s for promotion to sergeant, in the 23S7, 23S6 and 23S5 promotion cycles.Â