Sept. 15, 2020 EFMP gets creative to provide family support during COVID-19 The Exceptional Family Member Program-Family is developing new, innovative ways to connect military families despite social distancing challenges.
Sept. 10, 2020 Retiree council convenes for annual meeting despite COVID-19 Despite COVID-19, technology allowed the annual Air Force Retiree Council to continue its 48-year history of meeting.
May 2, 2019 Air Force hosts Gold Star and Surviving Family Members summit SHALIMAR, Fla. -- The Air Force hosted its first Gold Star and Surviving Family Members Summit at the Air Force Enlisted Village, here, April 30. The event, supported by the Air Force Families Forever Program, focused on enduring support for Gold Star and Surviving family members.“So many of you,
March 6, 2019 Air Force provides employment support for spouses Spouse Education and Career Opportunities are available to military spouses.