May 2, 2022 AETC, AFPC command chiefs talk DSD process on Reddit, Twitter Spaces Chief Master Sgts. Erik Thompson and Eryn McElroy hosted a Reddit ‘Ask Me Anything’ event to answer questions from Airmen about the Developmental Special Duty application process May 2. Questions included a broad range of general DSD process questions and suggestions, to the matching process,
March 9, 2022 Two-part DSD Spring cycle kicks off March 16 Airmen wishing to hone their leadership skills while mentoring and molding future Air Force leaders have the opportunity to apply for a special duty assignment during the Spring Developmental Special Duty (DSD) cycle.The DSD Enlisted Instructor & Recruiter Special Duty (EI&RSD) process for the
Sept. 25, 2018 AFPC increases transparency of DSD assignments AFPC implements advanced notification for two Developmental Special Duty assignments in order to create more commander involvement and increase transparency of the DSD assignment process.
Aug. 3, 2017 Airmen in developmental special duties epitomize leadership, core values Air Force officials filled 770 positions across nine developmental special duties, or DSDs, for spring 2017. The DSD nomination process occurs twice each year and is designed to fill specific special duties the Air Force has acknowledged as developmental due to their unique requirements. Commanders
June 27, 2017 AETC announces changes to developmental special duty assignments Air Force officials are making three substantial changes to the Developmental Special Duty process that will significantly improve the Air Force’s ability to fill these important positions by adding more flexibility to the process and increasing opportunities for noncommissioned officers. The