May 15, 2024 DAF announces changes to allowances for Airmen, Guardians with dependents attending training Airmen and Guardians with dependents executing a permanent change of station to a professional military education or training location are now authorized to collect per diem in the amount of the basic allowance for housing without-dependent rate.
Jan. 4, 2024 DAF sets documentation requirements for pet travel expense reimbursement The Defense Travel Management Office announced a new policy to cover pet travel expenses, including pet transportation and quarantine fees, in June 2023.
Aug. 1, 2023 UPDATE: Air Force receives additional funds for PCSs Due to additional support by Congress, the Air Force gained more funding for overseas PCSs.
July 21, 2023 Air Force reinstates special bonuses, pays, most PCSs With additional support from Congress on several pending reprogramming requests, the Air Force will restore funding to most military personnel programs that were suspended or closed last week.The Air Force will restore the Selective Retention Bonuses and the Aviation Bonus program beginning next
July 10, 2023 Air Force delays some PCSs, bonuses Higher-than-projected personnel costs are driving a shortfall in FY23 military personnel appropriation. This will have temporary consequences for PCSs, SRBs, and aviation bonuses.
May 6, 2022 Gun safes excluded from household goods weight allowance As the number of accidental child injuries and deaths continue to rise, more and more incidents are attributed to unsecured, loaded guns. Defense leaders are confident this update will help improve overall gun safety in homes, while also helping to decrease service member suicides.
Sept. 7, 2021 Family member travel screenings now automated for Airmen and Guardians Family Member Travel Screenings are now electronic for all Airmen and Guardians as of 30 August. The AF form 4380 is obsolete.
June 14, 2021 Current PCS, household goods affected by supply shortages According to a newly released communiqué from the Air Force’s Personal Property Activity Headquarters, “Department of Defense demand this peak (PCS) season has greatly exceeded commercial industry capabilities, largely due to resource constraints associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Per industry,
Nov. 5, 2020 Air Force updates travel screening process for EFMP families Members selected for an assignment will automatically receive an email with a link to MyVector to begin the screening process. Medical clearance is required for all Exceptional Family Member Program families preparing to PCS, and for those members selected for an overseas assignment.
March 13, 2020 DoD Directs Stop Movement in response to COVID-19 The Department of Defense issued a stop movement of all personnel to, from or through Centers for Disease Control and Prevention designated Level 3 COVID-19 locations effective March 13 and for the next 60 days. Following Secretary of Defense Mark T. Esper’s announcement of new travel restrictions,
May 15, 2019 Air Force to pay up to $500 for spouse occupational license transfer during PCS The Air Force announced the spouse re-licensure reimbursement program, May 15, which would provide financial relief up to $500 to Airmen whose spouses must obtain state occupational relicensures or recertifications during a permanent change of station or assignment across state lines.
Nov. 7, 2018 Advance assignments now available to Airmen deploying for 365-day Extended Deployments Effective Nov. 1, active duty Airmen selected for an extended deployment may apply to receive an advance assignment up to 16 months prior to the projected Report Not Later Than Date of the assignment.
March 15, 2018 AFPC conducts test of revised Base of Preference program on seven career fields Beginning April 2018, the Air Force’s Personnel Center will launch a test on how it delivers information to Airmen for the Base of Preference program. The test will provide increased visibility of available locations to Airmen in seven Air Force Specialty Codes, to start. If the program proves
June 1, 2017 Join Spouse assignment consideration keeps mil-to-mil couples together Summertime is a busy season for permanent changes of station and military couples may be apprehensive about the possibility of being separated from their spouses during their next assignments. They have little to be concerned about, however, as the Air Force Personnel Center has an accommodation