To establish, implement and maintain comprehensive support to Airmen, Guardians and their family members with special needs.

To facilitate an all-inclusive approach to maintain the highest quality of life for special needs family members, by considering and accommodating assignment coordination, family support information, referral and resources, community support, medical, and special educational and legal services.


EFMP is a Department of Defense program offered by all branches of the military.  It is a mandatory enrollment program for all active duty Airmen and Guardians with a special needs family member. 

The Air Force Personnel Center EFMP Central Cell is comprised of three primary components along with a multi-faceted network of ancillary services. The three components include: 

Contact Us

The EFMP Central Cell provides a one-stop resource for all EFMP families on a 24/7 basis. DoD ID cardholders and their families may obtain assistance and additional information by:
Phone:  1-800-525-0102, Option 8 
Email:  afpc.dp3x.workflow@us.af.mil



additional resources

Air Force Housing Airmen and their families now have an online resource to help them learn about housing options available at their new duty station. The Air Force Housing website provides information on family and unaccompanied housing available at Air Force installations world-wide. It also provides information on local communities near Air Force installations, school district information, local weather and other useful resources that will help Airmen and their families become familiar with their new homes.

milConnect The milConnect web application is maintained by the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC). This application allows beneficiaries to review personal, health care, and personnel information from one reliable source, the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS).

Military OneSource Military OneSource is a confidential Department of Defense-funded program providing comprehensive information on every aspect of military life at no cost to active duty, National Guard, and reserve members, and their families. Information includes, but is not limited to, deployment, reunion, relationships, grief, spouse employment and education, parenting and childhood services. It is a virtual extension to installation services.

my.move.milUse of this system is by invitation only, following mandatory screening for eligibility in MilMove.

My AirForce Benefits MyAirForceBenefits contains a wealth of information on the benefits available to Airmen and their Families from the time they enter the Air Force through their retirement or separation and beyond. Please see our Benefit Library to find information on a variety of benefits and use the Benefit Calculators for financial planning and estimating pay during deployment and retirement.

Child and Youth Programs The Department of the Air Force Child and Youth Programs assist military and civilian personnel in balancing the competing demands of the mission and family life by catering programs and services for eligible children and youth from birth through 18 years of age.

Spouse State Licensure Moving across state lines creates barriers to career longevity, and those obstacles are heightened by state and career-specific professional license regulations. Licensure portability refers to the ability to transfer a professional license from one state or U.S. jurisdiction to another so that a professional can continue their occupation after relocation. 

Tricare website: TRICARE is the health care program for uniformed service members, retirees, and their families around the world.  

MHS Genesis Patient Portal: The MHS Genesis patient portal is a secure website for 24/7 access to your health information, including managing appointments and exchanging messages with your care team.

Defense Health Agency: The Defense Health Agency is a joint, integrated Combat Support Agency that enables the Army, Navy, and Air Force medical services to provide a medically ready force and ready medical force to Combatant Commands in both peacetime and wartime.

Tricare ECHOThe Extended Care Health Option (ECHO) provides financial assistance to beneficiaries with special needs for an integrated set of services and supplies.

MyVectorMyVector is an enterprise solution that supports the Air Force's goal to provide a standardized process available to all Airmen for career development and mentoring. Airmen can be proactive about their career development and mentoring relationships.

AF Form 357:  Family Care Certification: Single parents, dual military couples with dependents, and members with civilian spouses who have unique family situations, as determined by the commander, must complete an AF Form 357 Family Care Certification. 



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  • EFMP adds dedicated, specialized attorney to Central Cell

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  • EFMP provides specialized services, family support, care

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