Nov. 24, 2023 Around the Air Force: Allvin Welcome Ceremony, Spouse Business Benefit, Childcare Subletting Expand In this week’s look around the Air Force, the new Air Force Chief of Staff, Gen. David W. Allvin, is welcomed by the force, a new benefit aids spouse-owned small businesses, and a new app helps military families find short-term childcare.
Nov. 15, 2023 DAF expanding childcare subletting app to all child development centers Kinderspot was the top idea at the 2020 AFIMSC Innovation Rodeo. AFIMSC initially awarded the project $333,000 and secured additional funding for development through a price-matching Small Business Innovation Research contract.
Nov. 14, 2023 Department of the Air Force reimburses spouse-owned small business costs accrued during PCS, PCA The Department of the Air Force is now reimbursing service members up to $1,000 to re-establish spouse-owned small businesses during a permanent change of station or assignment on or after Dec. 23, 2022.
Nov. 6, 2023 CSAF 23 Letter to Airmen The letter serves as a rallying call for Airmen to continue their exceptional service and adapt to the evolving demands of national security.