AFPC retools personnel services delivery

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Immediate access and ease of use form the foundation of the Air Force Personnel Center's ongoing efforts here to refine its personnel products available for Air Force customers.

In the wake of significant cutbacks to the personnel career field, the Center has leveraged technology to improve customer service via 24/7 access to web-based personnel information. With information technology solutions, commanders have instant access to management products allowing them to determine the health of their squadron from their desktop.

One product new to the commander's portfolio is a Base Level Service Delivery Model Dashboard. The Dashboard enables commanders to access information like their unit personnel management or duty status rosters right from their own computers. They can also request actions such as decoration rips or a change in rater.

"We're working towards more automation in the personnel business, because that's what commanders need in today's Air Force," said Col. Bill Foote, AFPC director of personnel services. "Commanders are our primary customers since they are tasked with executing the mission. As the BLSDM Dashboard matures, it promises to provide the personnel information commanders need to accomplish the mission."

AFPC targeted squadron commanders with dashboard access initially and is reviewing wing, group and major command requirements for later implementation. Lt. Col. Jody Ogea, commander of the 5th Force Support Squadron at Minot AFB, N.D. said the Dashboard provides a variety of data required for day-to-day operation.

"Because of this tool, the days I waited for a RIP, report or roster have passed," said Lt. Col. Jody Ogea, 5th Force Support Squadron commander. "Although computer systems will never replace having your own personnelists at the squadron level, the Base Level Service Delivery, Dashboard and centralized support at AFPC, will allow squadron commanders to maximize resources to meet our customer's basic personnel needs."

Base-level BLSDM administrators can grant commanders access to the new tool. They, in turn, may delegate access to as many unit military and civilian members as necessary. Commanders or designated representatives can also provide feedback and suggest dashboard enhancements to AFPC.

In addition to hands on products, AFPC is also refining the processes and products within the center to enhance services provided, referred to as Personnel Service Delivery. One improvement is in the how information is transmitted to the field. The Military Personnel Flight Memorandum will become Personnel Services Delivery Memorandums in January. The name change is in line with the recent addition of an executive summary and a briefing slide on all messages released to aid the personnel community in explaining and briefing upcoming changes.

"As we go down this road, our personnel services need to be simple for customers to use, integrated with base personnelists, and marketed clearly and coherently to our customers," said Colonel Foote.

While some solutions may appear controversial, such as releasing promotions lists on the Web, the end result meets the challenges of operating in today's Air Force and enables personnel service to work for the Air Force.