April 25, 2024 Air Force to begin accepting warrant officer applications The Air Force is now accepting applications for Airmen aspiring to become the inaugural cohort of warrant officers in the information technology and cyber career fields.
April 23, 2024 Air Force honors Airmen with 2024 Lance P. Sijan Leadership Award The Pentagon's Hall of Heroes echoed with applause April 8, as four Airmen received the Lance P. Sijan Leadership Award.
Feb. 28, 2024 Allvin adds detail, texture to plans for reoptimizing the Air Force Allvin’s session at the influential think tank was his first since becoming the Air Force’s highest ranking military officer and two weeks since the service’s leadership unveiled a broad and ambitious plan to reconfigure the Air Force and Space Force to better confront China.
Aug. 15, 2023 Air Force announces FY23 Rated Officer Retention Demonstration Program Eligible regular Air Force aviators now have the chance to apply for the FY23 Rated Officer Retention Demonstration Program.
Dec. 30, 2022 Department of the Air Force unmasks academic degrees for major, lieutenant colonel promotion boards The change will apply to all eligible DAF officers and allow promotion board members to consider an officer’s acquisition of valued expertise as one of many whole person concept considerations.
Oct. 23, 2022 DAF senior leaders amplify SecDef directives for reproductive health care Today, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III announced that the DoD would ensure service members and their families can access reproductive health care within its authority and consistent with applicable federal law, in addition to clear guidance for health care providers to operate effectively.
Sept. 30, 2022 DAF adds additional financial incentives to recruit Child and Youth Program employees Effective Oct. 1, DAF Child Development Program direct-care employees will receive a 100% childcare fee waiver for their first child enrolled in installation Child Development Programs.
April 13, 2022 DAF updates leave program; includes support for fertility treatments, transition assistance programs Championed by the Women’s Initiative Team, the Department of the Air Force Instruction 36-3003, Military Leave Program, now includes time for Airmen and Guardians who want to participate in a fertility treatment program at a military medical treatment facility.
April 13, 2022 DAF updates leave program; includes support for fertility treatments, transition assistance programs Championed by the Women’s Initiative Team, the Department of the Air Force Instruction 36-3003, Military Leave Program, now includes time for Airmen and Guardians who want to participate in a fertility treatment program at a military medical treatment facility.
April 13, 2022 DAF updates leave program; includes support for fertility treatments, transition assistance programs Championed by the Women’s Initiative Team, the Department of the Air Force Instruction 36-3003, Military Leave Program, now includes time for Airmen and Guardians who want to participate in a fertility treatment program at a military medical treatment facility.
Nov. 10, 2021 Department of the Air Force releases findings on Interpersonal Violence survey After the Secretary of the Air Force established the Interpersonal Violence Task Force in 2020, the team examined a broad range of 81 behaviors along what is known as the “Continuum of Harm” to determine if the DAF is keeping Airmen and Guardians safe, and providing needed support after they
Sept. 10, 2021 Department of the Air Force releases reports on Racial Disparity Review update, second disparity review The Department of the Air Force released a progress update on the Inspector General Independent Racial Disparity Review and a second disparity review report Sept. 9.
Dec. 9, 2020 Department of the Air Force restores leave charged during restriction of movement Effective Nov. 20, the Department of the Air Force announced the ability to restore leave charged to members during a required restriction of movement after Aug. 6.
Oct. 28, 2019 Air Force releases criteria for new Remote Combat Effects Campaign Medal The new medal, established by then-Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson, is part of a continuing effort to recognize U.S. Air Force military members in a non-deployed status who directly participated in a Department of Defense combat operation from a remote location.
May 31, 2019 Secretary, chief of staff initiate dialogue with commanders on a plan for new officer promotion categories The memo explains the proposed change and directs commanders to solicit and provide feedback from officers to major command commanders by July 31, with “a final recommendation due to the secretary and chief not later than 30 August 2019.”
May 15, 2019 Air Force to pay up to $500 for spouse occupational license transfer during PCS The Air Force announced the spouse re-licensure reimbursement program, May 15, which would provide financial relief up to $500 to Airmen whose spouses must obtain state occupational relicensures or recertifications during a permanent change of station or assignment across state lines.
April 23, 2019 Air Force senior leaders update OCP uniform guidance The Air Force announced April 23 new rules on Operational Camouflage Pattern uniforms that aim to better fit the needs of Airmen and the jobs they do while also holding fast to tradition.
April 22, 2019 Air Force announces FY19 Aviation Bonus expansion for Air Battle Managers The Air Force announced April 22 details of the expanded fiscal year 2019 Aviation Bonus program, intended to increase the number of air battle managers.
Jan. 23, 2019 Air Force announces fiscal year 2019 aviation bonuses The Air Force announced Jan. 23 the details of the fiscal year 2019 Aviation Bonus program.
Nov. 7, 2018 Advance assignments now available to Airmen deploying for 365-day Extended Deployments Effective Nov. 1, active duty Airmen selected for an extended deployment may apply to receive an advance assignment up to 16 months prior to the projected Report Not Later Than Date of the assignment.
April 26, 2018 AF announces changes to Courses 14 and 15 Effective immediately, Air Force officials have removed the requirement to complete Courses 14 and 15 for all Airmen serving in the active component. Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve Airmen will have the option to complete their enlisted professional military education through distance
Dec. 12, 2017 Air Force announces change to deployments The Air Force announced another milestone under the chief of staff’s number two focus area: Strengthening Joint Leaders and Teams.Airmen deploying on individual taskings will now deploy in teams of three or more. This move will provide mutual support during the entire deployment continuum. This
Sept. 14, 2017 Air Force announces 100 percent promotion opportunity to major In the latest move to restore the Air Force’s readiness and lethality, senior leaders are taking a closer look at officer performance management with a focus on developing leaders and retaining the talented professionals the service needs.
Aug. 28, 2017 Air Force announces initiatives to lessen pilot shortage Air Force officials announced three additional initiatives designed to enhance mission readiness by keeping pilots in the service and bringing retired pilots back to fill critical-rated positions.
July 10, 2017 USAF to host 2018 DOD Warrior Games in Colorado Springs Defense Department officials announced July 8, 2017 that the Air Force will host the 2018 DOD Warrior Games at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado June 2018.
June 13, 2017 Healing from invisible wounds On Jan. 15, 2008, Senior Airman Christopher D’Angelo, a heavy equipment operator, was the lead gunner in an armored vehicle convoy on a road near Baghdad. The sun was shining and the air comfortable. His unit had just transported construction materials to forward operating bases and was currently
June 5, 2017 Air Force announces significant changes to Aviation Bonus Program As part of its retention efforts, the Air Force released details on the fiscal year 2017 Aviation Bonus Program (AvB) June 5, 2017. This year’s program implements an increase in maximum bonus amounts authorized in the fiscal 2017 National Defense Authorization Act in addition to more flexibility in
Jan. 10, 2017 AF evolves policies to access more talent, maintain high standards The Air Force announced new policies on dress and appearance with regard to tattoos, as well as changes to service medical accession policy Jan. 9.
Sept. 30, 2016 AF leaders announce latest diversity, inclusion initiatives In ongoing efforts to attract and retain the most innovative, skillful and strategically agile force today, Air Force senior leaders released the second memorandum to Airmen relaying new diversity and inclusion initiatives.The 13 new initiatives include notable efforts to raise the bar for